作者:Harry Minium

bet8体育娱乐入口 on Thursday dedicated its newest residence hall, a building that pays tribute to a historic civil rights figure, and officials say is among the most modern in the nation.

雨果一. 欧文斯 House, 62美元.5 million, 470-bed residence hall that opened this spring, is named for Dr. 雨果一. 欧文斯, a prominent local dentist who was ODU's first African American rector.

政府. 拉尔夫·诺瑟姆参加了剪彩仪式,并向欧文斯争取平等权利的历史致敬. 他提醒与会者, 包括官员, 学生和欧文斯的亲戚, of the time in the 1960s when 欧文斯 sued to gain equal access to Portsmouth parks.

He did so after he and his daughter were told to leave because they were Black.

“你能相信吗,就在不久之前,那个人被告知他不能进入我们的一个公园?“政府. 在平时说.

"Dr. 欧文斯 was a trailblazer and a civil rights hero. 我们知道,吉姆·克劳时代的种族主义和歧视并没有因为白人意识到这是不公平的而改变. 它改变了,因为人们喜欢博士. 欧文斯 were brave enough to stand up and say, 'This not right.'

"As hard as civil rights 领袖s like Dr. 欧文斯 worked, we know that racism and discrimination still exist in our system.

"I hope the students living here will learn all about Dr. 欧文斯,并理解他在帮助他们把世界变得更美好方面的作用,就像他们将有机会为我们的下一代做的那样."

Dr. 欧文斯' history of fighting for racial justice, particularly equal access to education and health care, is documented on the first floor on a namesake wall, 其中包括照片和报价. His three children, 宝拉·欧文斯·帕克, Patrice 欧文斯 Parker and Hugo 欧文斯 Jr., participated in creating the tribute.

约翰·R总统. 布罗德里克说,将ODU最现代化的宿舍楼命名为欧文斯是合适的.

"He embraced courage in his fight for civil rights,布罗德里克校长说, 我希望他的遗产能激励老道明的后代跟随他的道路."

前ODU总统詹姆斯·V. 科赫, who has called 欧文斯 "the Nelson Mandela of Hampton Roads,像曼德拉一样说。, “他以用8到10种不同的语言向敌对团体非常友好地打招呼,从而解除他们的武装而闻名.

"But he was ready to take slings and arrows, 威胁和侮辱, 在他的职业生涯中也经常如此."

当欧文斯是校长的时候, he surprised potential critics "who were anticipating a firebrand,科赫补充道. "Hugo had lots of fire within him, but he knew when and where to use it."

The 165,000-square-foot 欧文斯 House is the second-largest residence hall at ODU.

Many students living there major in STEM-H - science, 技术, 工程, 数学和健康科学.

欧文斯 House reflects the partnership between 住房 & 住宿生活和学术事务,支持住宿学生的学术经历. It contains living-learning communities focusing on cybersecurity, 游戏, health professions and 工程 that allow students to take classes, go to study hall or collaborate on projects, 都不需要离开大楼.

Much of the student interaction takes place on the second floor. It features academically focused resources, 包括两个教室, 学习的房间, 一个学习公共场所和一个计算机室,有22个终端,每天24小时向所有住宿学生开放. It also has an 创新 Lab, complete with computer terminals and 3-D printers.

创新实验室被设计为所有专业学生的协作区域,以鼓励创造力和测试新想法. 该实验室支持ODU的创业精神,并鼓励学生参与其他空间, such as the 斯特罗姆创业中心 and the Engineering Makerspace & Invention Center in the 巴顿工程学院 and 技术.

欧文斯的大女儿, 宝拉·欧文斯·帕克, said her father's dentist office was "an incubator for dreams, 不仅对他, but for everyone who worked for him and his patients.

"None of his staff was expected to stay. 他打开大门,把他们介绍给能帮助他们实现目标的人.

“感谢布罗德里克总统,帕克说, "欧文斯 House will continue that legacy of being an incubator for dreams. 我们赞赏他的远见卓识和不懈的工作,以确保资金和支持建设这个宏伟的设施."

布罗德里克校长说:“如果学生们有梦想,他们就能在欧文斯学院实现梦想. Dr. 欧文斯 was passionate about lifelong learning and collaboration, and he brought that energy to Old Dominion.

“Hugo 欧文斯 House的设计不仅是为了庆祝他的遗产,也是为了激励我们的学生. 我希望他们能发扬他的精神,为改善他们所生活的世界做出自己的贡献.

"Old Dominion is a better place because of the contributions of Hugo 欧文斯."

The building was designed as a comfortable, open facility. Each floor has community spaces to encourage students to interact, whether to collaborate on projects, 一起学习, cook in the community kitchens or just relax and watch TV.

欧文斯 House由VMDO Architects和ODU的建筑师与教师和管理人员合作设计, but students also had significant input. 他们为建筑的公共部分选择了所有定制的室内家具.

欧文斯大厦的正面, on 49th Street near Powhatan Avenue, 显示为三个部分, with giant atriums fronting all three. 窗户几乎无处不在,建筑在自然光下饮用.

The middle section has four stories of clear glass, with hallways that link the two five-story towers. 建筑的上层提供了校园和附近Larchmont社区的全景.

A patio behind 欧文斯 House has permanent outdoor furniture, 包括一张乒乓球桌, 还有一个通告, 玻璃室内公共区域.

“这是一座美丽的建筑, and everything in 欧文斯 House was selected to support our students' success,唐·斯坦伯里说, vice president of student engagement and enrollment services.

宿舍楼最引人注目的特点之一是房间里的家具. 它既舒适又可折叠,允许学生以任何他们想要的方式配置床和桌子. 床可以升高或降低,学习桌也可以调整到坐着或站着的高度.

该设施是STEM和创业学生的理想选择,靠近Broderick 餐厅 Commons, 学生娱乐中心, 韦伯大学中心, the 斯特罗姆创业中心 and most of the University's science buildings, including the new Chemistry Building.

Dr. 欧文斯 is memorialized on all five floors.

“我们不希望它有博物馆的感觉,因为这是一个学生生活和学习的活跃空间, but we wanted the residents to experience the impact Dr. 欧文斯 made as a 领袖," Stansberry said.

"The building is designed to be active and collaborative, which was one of the goals we set when we were putting the pieces together."

He credited ODU's staff for creating a tribute both meaningful and attractive.

负责学生事务的副院长布里奇特·韦克尔(Bridget Weikel)说,每句话都是为了对学生说.

“教育者”这个词, 导师, 领袖, 积极分子, 终身学习者和创新者-他们都与ODU和我们机构的价值观产生共鸣,并捕捉到Dr. 欧文斯,”她说.

"So we took those words and identified quotes from the family or from Dr. 欧文斯本人或社区中的其他人帮助将他与他所采取的这些特征和行动联系起来.

"In each of the upper floors and in community spaces, we identified an additional quote that ties into one of those words as well. 我们很高兴能够展示他的贡献,让他的遗产继续影响我们的学生."

在仪式上,德尔. 克里夫·海耶斯,D-Chesapeake,感谢欧文斯指导他,并感谢ODU尊重他的遗产.

“重要的是,我们的年轻人了解我们的领导人是谁,以及他们所产生的影响,海耶斯说. "President Broderick, thank you for naming such a magnificent project after Dr. 欧文斯."

与欧文斯1990年至1994年担任校长时相比,ODU现在的学生群体要多样化得多. 在非裔美国人毕业率方面,bet8体育娱乐入口也名列全美顶尖大学之列.

"Dr. “欧文斯,”科赫说,“我想他会对今天的bet8体育娱乐入口非常满意."


“如果爸爸在这里, 搬家那天,他会在欧文斯宿舍见到学生,鼓励他们度过最好的一年,她说.

"He would have flowers in the reception desk to show appreciation for the staff.

"He would be back in the spring to wish the students a good summer.

"If he were here, he would be thrilled and amazed. He would stand up with his hands on his hips and turn to my mother and say, “海伦, 你能相信吗??'



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